Dear Phans,
We’re thrilled that Franklin County is now at a Level 2 (Orange), so we have added utility blowouts back into our service offering!
In our last email blast we explained how we were using the Ohio Public Health Advisory System to make decisions about our enhanced sanitation practices and other policies including blowouts.
Let’s be clear, utility blowouts are never going to give you those incredible finishes we all love like this one by Danielle:

But for hair professionals, blowing out the hair is used for much more than just a finish. It is used to check your color, to dry hair before applying certain treatments or toners, and to check your cut for perfection! It’s also very helpful in preparing your cut for the detail work that most Level 3s, Level 4s and Level 5s are known for. In our salons, we refer to these as “utility blowouts” and these are back in service now.

There are a few additional changes we’re excited to make:
- We will now be accepting product returns.
- Mini facials may be available with certain service providers.
- While most of our education and meetings will continue by zoom, we are excited to add the classes where we can distance appropriately.
In case this is all a surprise to you, we’ve copied some of the relevant info from our previous blast at the end of this message.
Just as this was our first time backing off of services for a global pandemic, this is also our first time adding services. Our staff will be out of practice and we can’t overemphasize the difference between a utility blowout and a cosmetic blowout. We request patience and remind you that all of this is subject to change with new information. As always, we welcome your feedback and thoughts at [email protected].
Book your appointment online HERE or call 614-545-7100.
P.S. As always, we have mad appreciation for anyone who reads our communications through to the end! In appreciation for making your way through this message, please show or mention this message to enjoy a complimentary thermal finish OR 30% off a product of your choice OR half-off a salt product of your choice between now and October 15.
For more information, read our blog “What happened to my blowouts…and when will they be back?”